Fire Safety Awareness Program
The "Fire Safety Awareness Program" was conducted for students of Class 9-12 to educate them on fire safety measures, emergency procedures, and prevention techniques to ensure their safety and well-being. The program began with an introduction to fire safety, highlighting its importance and statistics. The speaker then explained the common causes of fire, such as electrical hazards, cooking accidents, and arson, and emphasized the need for fire prevention techniques.
The students were then taught emergency procedures, including evacuation procedures, fire extinguisher usage, and first aid. A demonstration of fire safety equipment, such as fire alarms, sprinkler systems, and fire extinguishers, was also conducted. To assess the students' preparedness, a mock fire drill was conducted, simulating an emergency. The students responded well to the drill, showcasing their understanding of the emergency procedures.
The program was a success, with students showing a keen interest in learning about fire safety. They understood the importance of fire safety and prevention techniques and learned emergency procedures to respond effectively in case of a fire. The program empowered the students with the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent fires and ensure their safety and well-being.
COVID vaccination camp
S.D.Public School, Pitampura organised a COVID vaccination camp on 25 March 2022 for the students in the age group of 12-14 years. SOPs ( Standard Operating Procedure) COVID-19 protocols were strictly followed by all those who were a part of this vaccination drive. Sincere efforts of parents,teachers and the supporting staff made this vaccination drive a great success.
Responsible Driver & Road User Program
दिनांक 28-03-2022 से 29-03-2022 तक एस डी पब्लिक विद्यालय पीतमपुरा ने जिम्मेदार चालक कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया ।
इस कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ करते हुए आदरणीय अनिल अमर महोदय ने दुर्घटना के विभिन्न कारणों को साझा करते हुए अति महत्वपूर्ण कहानियों को सुनाया एवं उन पर गतिविधियां भी कराई और उनको अपने व्यवहार में लाने का संदेश देते हुए बताया कि हमारी जिम्मेदारी पहले है,तथा अधिकार बाद में यदि हम इसका पालन करते हुए गाड़ी चलाने का कार्य करें तो अवश्य हमें अच्छा चालक कहा जायेगा और भारत में विश्व की लगभग 11% होने वाली दुर्घटनाओं में मृत्यु दर की इस भीषण समस्या को न्यून करने में समर्थ होंगे एवं इस कार्यशाला का द्वितीय पहलू सभ्यता को बताते हुए आपने कहा।
आत्मना प्रतिकूलानि परेषां न समाचरेत्।
अर्थात् जैसा व्यवहार हम स्वयं के साथ नही चाहते वैसा हमें किसी अन्य के साथ भी नही करना चाहिए
उदाहरण- पैदल यात्री,रिक्शा चालक,ट्रक चालक, आदि चालक के साथ सहानुभूति का परिचय देते हुए उनकी संवेदनाओं को आत्मसात करना चाहिए तभी हम एक आदर्श चालक कहने योग्य होंगे और खुद भी सुरक्षित रहेंगे एवं सड़क पर चलने वाले सभी यात्रियों कि सफल एवं सुखद यात्रा की कामना कर सकेंगे।
इस कार्यक्रम के मुख्य वक्ता रहे अनिल अमर महोदय एवं अध्यक्षा हमारी यशस्वी प्रधानाचार्या अनीता शर्मा एवं अध्यापक/अध्यापिका और हमारे छात्र, छात्राओं ने ना केवल कार्यक्रम में भाग लिया बल्कि दिन-प्रतिदिन की दिनचर्या में लाने का संकल्प भी किया।
Responsible Driver & Road User Program
To be on the road and take care of everyone's safety is the moral responsibility of every citizen. Keeping this in mind S.D.Public School, Pitampura organised a two day workshop ( 28/03/2022 to 29/03/2022) for the students on Sane Driving by Mr Anil Amar from Sane driving OPC Ltd. . He told the students how an appropriate and responsible behaviour on the road can save a number of lives. Students were made to understand it through different situations which were told in the form of stories for better understanding. It was a good learning experience for the students.
Workshop on New guidelines for safety on roads
Road safety is a safety measure to reduce the risk of road accidents and road side injury because of the mistakes of people while driving on the road. Everyone needs to be well aware of the road traffic rules especially children and young.IN the same concern a workshop was conducted by Mr. Narayan (Assistant sub Inspector) and Mr. Neeranjan to make the students more aware about safety measures. The students got an opportunity to understand in detail that how they can become a responsible citizen by knowing traffic rules.
S.D. Public School is always concerned about the road safety measures to be taken and regularly keeps the students aware about them. Students of all the classes on Monday, 9th September took the Pledge on “ SAY NO TO CHALLAN” and promised of abiding all the road safety rules.
Process Orientation Training (POT) Programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR)
Disasters threaten the lives, constitutional rights and needs of the children worldwide. In past three decades India has faced devastating disasters. During these emergencies, children are especially vulnerable to diseases, malnutrition, and violence and trafficking. Keeping in view the increasing vulnerability of children from climate change and natural disasters, National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has established “Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) Centre “to mainstream child centric activities through Training, Research, Advocacy and Consultancy. Our school organised 3-Days Online Process Orientation Training (POT) Programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) intended for Trainers/ Teachers/ Professors/ Faculties of State level Universities, Colleges, Schools, Administrative Training Institutions and civil society trainers to help build their knowledge, skills and perspectives towards child centric disaster risk reduction. This training helped officials understand and prepare for risk informed planning, sectoral readiness, and preparedness for emergencies so as children are not deprived of basic amenities.
This training programme was scheduled for 3 days, based on e-learning module covering 2 hours each day during the programme.
Best teacher support award
Ms. Vandana Gupta has been selected for best teacher support award from Toyota for the implementation of TSEP - 2019-20.
Excellence in School's initiative in Road Safety
Our school got special jury award in the category - "Excellence in School's initiative in Road Safety" in FICCI auditorium.
Our school has been selected for the first film making power packed session
Our school has been selected for the first film making power packed session with Mr. Nagesh KuKunoor eminent film director out of 160 school participants to generate awareness on responsible road behaviour.
Toyota Safety Education Program (TSEP)
We have undertaken Toyota Safety Education Program (TSEP). program to prepare every child to become a responsible road user by inculcating road safety habits from an early age. TSEP is designed for students from class Vto class IX and will be spread across eight months from August 2019 to March 2020. We have partnered with KPMG to assist us in implementing, monitoring, and managing the program.
The program comprises of multi-sensorial learning and assessment experience for students and teachers
with the help of experiential learning using AR/VR headsets, club activities, State & National events will be done.
Fire Safety Demonstration on 15th July, 2019
A visit to the Fire Station is an exciting experiential way of learning about fire safety and the role of Firefighters in our community and thanking them for keeping us safe.
The Students of Sr. Secondary wing of SDPS, Pitampura visited the local ‘Fire Station’ to get first hand learning about fire safety i.e. Fire prevention, What to do in case of a fire?, Firefighters are community helpers, Equipment and gear. This Edu-trip was aligned to the ongoing themes of the respective sections.
The students got a chance to see a firefighter in his full gear. They got hands-on experience on Fire Safety and watched the live use of fire truck. It was a fun-filled, interactive and informative trip and the firefighters gladly answered any queries that the students had.
The pupils and staff would like to take this opportunity to thank the Roop Nagar fire station and their staff for a very informative and fun day out.
Power packed one liners and punch lines is a bring out
the best expression- this was proved by the students of
SDPS in the slogan writing and poster making competition
which was organised for classes 6 to 9th on 15th November
2018 on the topic- “ Road safety “ . It was amazing to see
the great pieces of artwork students had come up with,
which apart from being attractive were evocative and
reminiscent. The creative instincts of the youngsters
came out beautifully in this competition which proved
that with right counselling and support youth can be
trained that would result in an innocuous and safe future.
Special Assembly
Special Assembly was conducted by students of class 8-b on the topic Road Safety. They sensitized the students about how to avoid road hazards and become vigilant road users through a small skit and a song.
Mock Drill conducted on 18th April, 2018
All Students and staff members of the school participated in the Mock Drill held on 18th April, 2018.
During the Drill duck-cover-hold (taking shelter) under the benches was practiced in the classrooms.
School Building was evacuated within 4 minutes of ringing of the emergency bell.
All the Students and staff members assembled at the designated assembly point and roll call of students present was taken. Class status was reported to the DM committee for further action.
Road Safety Awareness Rally
In order to make children Street Smart the students of classes 6 to 10 took an initiative to create awareness in the form of rally. The execution was done by taking mass participation , who marched out the streets calling out the slogans - Sadak Suraksha, Jeevan Raksha
“More than leisure utilisation a healthy hobby helps to build sound mental faculties- it saves the society from the onslaught of negativism”. The creation of awareness wall was taken to the next level through conduction of various mind games for the staff members and students of SDPS. Students of classes IX and X prepared LUDO, SNAKES & LADDER, JIG SAW PUZZLE. These activities demonstrated a perfect blend of ‘learning by playing’. The students were overwhelmed and enjoyed a lot.
In order to generate sensitivity in students about the various road safety practices adopted by different countries an awareness wall was created on by the students of SDPS. The wall showcased the different road signs and do’s and don’ts on the road of India. The main purpose of creating this wall was to sensibilize the students about the road safety measures across the globe
It is very important to make our youth aware of their responsibilities towards themselves and society- with this thought SDPS organised a signature campaign where all the students- The Future of India, signed up and pledged that they would follow all the traffic rules, take up necessary precautions and be sensible and safe on the road so that everyone can live in a safe and harmonious society which is free from accidents and tragedies.All the members of SDPS were invited to be an active participant of the signature campaign, where they were asked to pledge to become a road safety awareness cadet
PSA Session
A PSA session ( Parents and staff Association) was held at SD public school to encourages the parents and teachers participation in road safety management of school children. DR. Rohit Baluja President (IRTE) Institute of Road Traffic Education) was the speaker in the event. It was an interactive session where teacher and parents gave their valuable suggestions for the childrens safety.
Fancy Dress competition - OUr ROAD HELPERS
Aspiring minds of SDPS brought out the sense of acclaim and acknowledgement towards our road safety helpers in the fancy dress competition organised for students of class III on 18the September 2017. The aim of the competition was to sensitise the students about the dire need and importance of different road safety assistants . The students through the role play conceded the prominence of all the helpers whose presence makes a country's functioning smooth and effortless.
Orientation Programme for Teachers and Coordinators by Delhi Traffic Police
In accordance with United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020and our continuous endeavour to keep our road safe and with a view to sensitize students about the importance of obeying traffic rules ,Delhi Traffic Police organized the School Road Safety Awareness Campaign 2017-18 at Dogra Hall, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi for teachers and co-ordinators of the school. Our Two teachers Attended the orientation programme and took the initiative to continue the school road safety club further.
A puppet show organized for the students of classes I-V by PVR Nest on Responsible Road Behavior on 21 November 2015. It was a great learning experience. It motivates the kids to follow the safety rules and helped to develop their social skills.
Leadership Training: Ride Safe India Programme
A Nukkad Natak was organised for the students by PVR Nest in association with Delhi Traffic Police , Hero , ROSES and Michelin India to teach them about the importance of safety on the roads. They feel very motivated and confident .These are the life skills they are having and can make use of them throughout the life.
A knowledge learning session was organised for the students of class IX AND X by PVR NEST in association with Delhi Traffic Police and Michelin India to teach them about the importance of different road signs.
Meet with Special Commissioner (Traffic)
A seminar on responsible road behaviour was conducted by PVR NEST in association with Delhi Traffic Police and Michelin India in India International centre. School from all over Delhi had come to discuss plans to curb road rage and to make their students more road safe. The chief guest for the event was DR. Muktesh Chander, special Commissioner (Traffic). He addressed the audience and said that road safety cannot be brought in a day it requires a change in attitude first.
The participants were imparted training in traffic drill and given lecture on road safety norms and traffic rules and also practical training on simulators in safe cycling and two-wheeler riding. They had a great learning experience. Sh. Sharad Agarwal Add. Commissioner of Police Traffic Felicitated the winners of the painting and slogan writing competition and also awarded the certificate of participation to all the participants of the summer camp.