Mathematics Activities

Mathematics Activities

Lab Activities

Algebra Day celebration - 30.12.24

Report on the Mathematics Workshop

We are delighted to share that the recent Mathematics Workshop for students of Classes 6 to 12 was an inspiring and enriching experience. The workshop focused on introducing students to the life and contributions of Srinivasa Ramanujan and deepening their understanding of algebra, a fundamental branch of mathematics.

Srinivasa Ramanujan: A Legacy of Inspiration Students were introduced to the extraordinary life of Srinivasa Ramanujan, one of the greatest mathematicians in history. Born in 1887, Ramanujan overcame significant challenges through sheer determination and self-study. Despite having limited access to formal education, he made remarkable contributions to number theory, infinite series, and mathematical analysis. His journey, from discovering mathematics in his small town to collaborating with G.H. Hardy at Cambridge University, serves as a beacon of inspiration for young learners.Ramanujan’s story teaches us that passion, curiosity, and perseverance can lead to remarkable achievements, even in the face of adversity.

Algebra: The Heart of Mathematics The workshop also delved into the significance of algebra, emphasizing its role as the language of mathematics. Students explored how algebra helps solve problems, analyze relationships, and build mathematical models. Its applications extend far beyond academics, influencing fields such as technology, science, and finance.

Understanding algebra not only strengthens logical thinking and problem-solving skills but also fosters innovation and creativity. It is a vital tool for students, laying the foundation for advanced studies and real-world applications.

The sessions were highly engaging and encouraged students to explore mathematics with renewed enthusiasm. We are confident that this workshop has inspired them to appreciate the beauty and power of mathematics in their academic journey and beyond.

Thank you for your continued support in nurturing young minds.

Warm regards,
Mathematics Department
S D Public School

🏆 Congratulations to Our Star Performer! 🏆

We are thrilled to announce that Akhil Yadav of X B from S.D. Public School, Pitampura has achieved an outstanding milestone by securing a place among the Top 100 students in the North West Region of Delhi in the prestigious CBSE Aryabhata Ganit Challenge (Level 2)! This remarkable achievement highlights the passion for mathematics and excellence in problem-solving. 💡📐

Let's all join hands in applauding Akhil’s extraordinary accomplishment and wishing him continued success in all his future endeavors.

Ramanujan Amrit Ganit Yatra 2021 -A Report.

All India Ramanujan Mathematics club announced "रामानजु न अमतृ भारत गणि त यात्रा - 2021",under the direction and guidance of Dr. Chandermauli Joshi, chairman AIRMC. The yatra began on 2nd of October to visit 75 schools in 25 States in 82 days. S.D. Public school, BU- Block,Pitampura, Delhi was also a centre in Delhi. The school made it a grand celebration by inviting more than 100 students and teachers from 15 schools in the periphery. The chief guest Er. Anuj Sinha, Chairman, Network for Organisations Science and Technology Communication Delhi and Dr. Chandermauli Joshi appreciated the efforts taken by the school. Especially the Mathematics fun filled activities displayed by teachers and students of the school were enjoyed by the visitors and the guests. The students learned the application of mathematics through the activities demonstrated by Shri Mehul Harsola ji, he introduced how simple activities can be used by teachers to learn the mathematical concepts like constructing Pyramids and cube through straw pipes, the square of a+b with the help of square pieces. Shri Brijesh Dixit, retired Principal from Auraiya district of UP, a science communicator associated with VIPNET and IIT Kanpur having trained student and teachers for the last 20 years having over 30 patents in his name, also graced his presence with the students. Shri Brijesh Dixit ji demonstrated Physics principals like axis of centre of mass through simple activities leaving students and teachers stunned. The activities demonstrated by him were simple to introduce physics principals and neede no special preparation. The students of the school also demonstrated the activities Tangram Puzzles,Rubik’s Cube, Triangular box, Pentominoes Puzzles,Magic Cards, Curve Weaving,Mathematical Toys,Icosahedron ball, 3-D solids from connectors , Celtic Knotwork, Penrose triangle/Impossible objects ,Match stick puzzle, Birth Date Secret, Money-Money Find your money, Fun, music, Magic & Rhymings with Maths,Mandala art, Madhubani

Recognising Ramanujan Olympiad

With over 2100 students participating from eight cities, Recognising Ramanujan, 2020 saw an enthusiastic celebration of the life and work of the maverick genius – Srinivasa Ramanujan. The competition was keenly fought, and we are proud to announce that Harsh Yadav of class X A has been recognised as the Budding Ramanujan – the young mind who has displayed the exceptional mathematical ingenuity that the competition demanded.

Honour and Appreciation

All the faculty members of S.D. Public school firmly believe that a good teacher always teaches from his heart. Our school feels immense pleasure to share that research team from CIE, Department of Education, University of Delhi videographed the teaching lessons of the Mathematics teachers of various schools of India including S.D Public school. It's a great honour and privilege that the department has considered the teaching of our school's maths teachers as the benchmark teaching.

International Conference On Vedic Mathematics 2019

A three day conference on International Vedic Mathematics -2019,was organised by Chaudhary bansi lal University, Bhiwani. Speakers of international reputation and wide spectrum in the field of Vedic mathematics showered their knowledge and work. The eminent speakers were Dr Himashu Thapliya,Prof at University of Kentucky , USA,Dr Kailash Vishvakarma,Prof University of Jhansi and Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nischlanand Saraswati. We are proud to announce that students of S.D. PUBLIC SCHOOL demonstrated their work in the field of ancient Indian mathematics and their Vedic roots. Vivek and Manik of 11-A2 presented their equinoctial sundial. The sundial was a working model of five ancient Indian and world renowned Sundials based in Jaipur, Delhi, Varanasi, meerut, and Mathura. Their more attractions in the exhibition such as "Mathematics behind building construction - Mortar", "Town planning-swastika planning", "Sundial of Konar temple", etc. Joyful way of learning Mathematics like making prism box, polyhedron by paper folding, and Magic Square workout were also demonstrated by the students Aryan and Lakshay of IX-C The exhibition was widely appreciated by the education minister of Haryana, Shri Kanwar Pal Singh. The exhibition was awarded a trophy for its best displays and models.


A workshop was conducted by Mr Ajay Marwah, HOD , Maths Department ,S.D. Public School on 14.9.2019 in DAV school(Hisar ,Haryana) on the following topics. *Understand and use of “Geogebra”, open source software in class 11th and 12th Math – A dynamic software for teaching school mathematics, the more you explore the more you know. *Changes in syllabus – 11th and 12th Math, New Paper design for CBSE Examination – 2020. *Understand Math Lab Activities for classes 11th and 12th – Exploring 11th and 12th concepts through activities. The workshop was very informative and encouraging.

Creating Icosahedron Activity

Learning with understanding helps children enjoy Math and brings them closer to Math.  Maths club activity: Creating ICOSAHEDRON ball was held for Students of class 9. Students did this Art and math integration activity in which they created ICOSAHEDRON ball using 20 circular cutouts. They worked in groups and explored the mathematical concepts involved in it.

Art Integration Workshop

A workshop on Art Integration in Mathematics was organised at S.D.Public School on 27 June 2019 for Mathematics teachers.Teachers from various schools attended the workshop conducted by the experts of MSF Team.The workshop was extremely well received by the teachers and they learnt different activities through which they could integrate art in teaching of mathematics. Various hands on sessions were held on origami,tesselations, tangrams,curve stitching and symmetrical art forms.

Joyful Teaching and Learning of Mathematics

In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn. SD Public School Pitampura organised a capacity building programme on Joyful Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in collaboration with CBSE from 23-24 May,2019.The Chief guest for the event was Dr. Biswajit Saha,Director at CBSE and guest of honor was Mr. Pramod Kumar, Joint Secretary (Academics) at CBSE. The eminent resource persons were Ms. Ishita Mukherjee, Ms. Sangeeta Gulati, Mr. Amit Bajaj,Mr.Rajesh Thakur , Mr. Sanjay Sinha ,Ms. Anita Sharma and Mr. Rahul Safot. Teachers from various schools from Delhi NCR attended the workshop and learnt innovative ways of teaching maths through various hands on sessions.Sessions included Ice breaking and Introduction, Innovation in Mathematics, Recreational Mathematics,Learning from History Of Mathematics, Handling Common Errors and Difficult Concepts and using IT in teaching mathematics.Innovative and joyful activities were discussed for teaching mathematics. Hands on sessions on tessellations,mathsgames and geogebra were held. The workshop was a great success and opened the doors to make maths joyful. The day ended with honoring the participants with a certificate.

Recognizing Ramanujan Olympiad

It doesn't matter how many times you win an award it is always very special. The school students whole heartedly participated in the Recognizing Ramanujan Olympiad organized by MSF. Harsh yadav of Class 9 received the title of Potential to be a Budding Ramanujan. The school also received a title of Mathematically Progressive School and also received a trophy titled Mathematically Meritorious School. The trophy was received from director of the organization Professor Dinesh Singh. It was a fun filled learning experience for the students.

National Mathematics Day Celebration

National Mathematics Day is celebrated in remembrance of Srinivas Ramanujan, an Indian Mathematician. To acknowledge the same a lecture by Dr.Dinesh Singh, an Indian professor of mathematics was held. He was former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Delhi. He has been conferred with the Padma Shri which is the fourth highest civilian award awarded by the Republic of India.The enlightening words of Dr. Dinesh Singh motivated the students to overcome the hurdles and problems they face and to achieve greater heights.

Mathematics Mela

MTNL Perfect Health Mathematics Mela was organised by S. D. Public School on 24 October 2018 at Talkatora Stadium.The event had a number of maths competitions like maths art,poster making board game, observe and tell, solving Rubik cube, mathematics through craft, play. Many schools participated with zeal and enthusiasm. It was a fun event where excited young minds interacted with mathematically challenging activities, games and competitions.

Workshop on Vedic Maths

A workshop on Vedic maths was organised for the teachers of class 1-12. The eminent resource person was Ms. Vibha Gupta. The workshop was informative and included hands on practice for the teachers.


Workshop for students of class I to V was organised to acquaint them with the Olympiad that they can appear for on In it learning is based on completing interactive exercises that correspond to the school curriculum and aimed at getting conceptual understanding rather that fact memorization. The tasks simulate situations from real life, which every child is familiar with. builds a dialogue with the pupils. The system reacts to the students actions. If the student answers correctly, the system praises them and suggests new tasks. If they make a mistake, the system asks clarifying questions and help the student come to the right decision themselves.

Workshop - Mathematica - Computational Analysis

Mathematics movement

“Mathematics Movement” was organised to celebrate legacy of eminent mathematician SriNivas Ramanujan on his 125th birth anniversary. The movement has fan following on the social site “facebook” on the following link:

Symmetry in shapes

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. The concept of symmetry being explored by students of class V by cutting out different shapes and patterns and observing symmetry in them.

Interaction with expert

Dr. Vatsal, Prof. Delhi University computers Dept. was invited to address students of class XIth Science and commerce with math stream on 22.12.2017. Where he elaborated students on 1. Importance of studying Math. 2. Career options related to Math after XII.

Bookmark making

Bookmark activity was held on 20 December 2017 during the maths week for classes 3-5. Students participated with great zeal and made book marks and highlighted some mathematical aspect on it.

Collage making

Students of class 6-8 enthusiastically participated in activities conducted during maths week with the Theme- Road safety mathematics.

Interaction with expert

Workshop conducted by Dr. Rajesh Kumar Thakur for class IX on 20.12.2017 on theme - "The curious case of number 20".

Badge making activity

Badge making activity was held on 19 December 2017 during the maths week for class 3-5. Students enthusiastically made badges using traffic symbols ,creating awareness about road safety and observed the mathematics behind them.

Teachers participation

Ms. Priti Chugh (TGT Maths) participated in Integrated lesson plan competition at Gyan Mandir school and got special prize for her presentation.

International Science Engineering Fair

Varun Mittal & Kanishka Tiwari participated in “International Science Engineering Fair” held at Indiana Polis,USA and Bagged the 4th position. Then president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam honoured the students.