Cleanliness drive XI A1 and A2Cleanliness drive XI A1 and A2 |
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Swacchta Pakhwada Activity7-9th September 2024. |
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Swacchta Pakhwada Activity-I (class II-V)4th September’24 Cleanliness drive was conducted in classes II-V. The students participated actively and cleaned their classrooms. This gave them a sense of responsibility and feeling of belongingness for their surroundings. |
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Swacchta Pakhwada Activity-II (classes 2-5)Students segregated waste into dry and wet waste category. They educated their family members about the importance of waste segregation that improves the waste disposal procedure. Green and blue dustbins were pasted by students and flash cards/ cut outs etc were pasted in the designated bins- Green bin for wet waste and blue bin for dry waste. |
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Handwash keeps me safeOn 2nd September, 2024 hand washing activity was planned with the primary goal to educate nursery students about the significance of hand washing, especially before meals, after using the restroom, and after playing outside. The activity also focused on the correct technique of hand washing to ensure thorough cleaning. The activity was conducted in Pre-Primary Department, involving all nursery students. The session began with a brief, child-friendly explanation of germs and how they can cause illness. Visual aids, such as colorful posters and a short video, were used to make the concept more relatable to young children. Following the introduction, teachers demonstrated the proper steps of hand washing: 1. wetting hands with clean, running water. 2. Applying enough soap to cover all hand surfaces. 3. Scrubbing hands for at least 20 seconds, ensuring all areas are cleaned, including between fingers and under nails. 4. Rinsing hands thoroughly under running water. 5. Drying hands with a clean towel or air drying. Children were then guided to practice these steps in small groups, with teachers providing assistance where needed. Songs and rhymes were incorporated to make the activity engaging and to help children remember the steps. |
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STORY SESSION ON BEING FIT AND FINE AND MAINTAINING PERSONAL HYGIENEOn 3rd September,2024 story session on Being Fit and Fine by keeping your surroundings clean was organised with the help of soft toys.Powerpoint presentation was shown on personal hygiene. Kids promised to be more vigilant and took a pledge that they will take care of their body and their surroundings. |
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Say no to toxic coloursDr K.K's Heart Care Foundation of India organised a live session on the topic'Say no to toxic colours - Go natural this Holi' on 17 March 2022 to make students aware about the hazardous effects of toxic colours on our environment and our body. Ms Naina Aggarwal ( Trustee, Heart Care Foundation), Dr Anil Kumar (Director HCFI), Ms Anita Sharma (Principal, S.D. Public School, Pitampura ) were among the eminent speakers. It was a very informative and excellent session. Join Now |
24 hrs CLIMATE REALITY TRUTH DAY 2019Our school has taken some serious initiatives to spread awareness about it through our students. We observed 21st November 2019, Thursday as 24 hours CLIMATE REALITY TRUTH DAY and we wanted to reach people around us to support this movement. We requested all individuals to talk about climate change, its cause and cure with their near and dear ones on that particular day and take pledges for life to support this resolution.More than 1500 students of school participated in this activity.We were able to reach other schools also with this initiative. |
ANTI-POLLUTION RALLY 2019Anti Pollution Rally Recently Delhi has been facing acute problem of air pollution and everybody was trying to find the cause and cure for it. Due to the severe condition prevailing in the city and surroundings areas, schools were closed as children are more vulnerable and can have disastrous impact that can trouble them for lifetime. Keeping this in mind Ministry of AYUSH distributed N-95 masks for the students of special need of our school which was really commendable step. On 6th November 2019, in a short morning assembly, all the special students along with the students of eco-club gathered in the hall and discussed about the effects of air pollution and how to face it. Children shared their experiences and our principal Mrs. Anita Sharma also addressed them. During assembly the N-95 masks were distributed to the students. A silent rally was organized and all the students walked through the streets with slogans and air purifying plants to give message to the adults to keep the air clean for the good health of their children. |
SHUCHI YAMUNA- DRIVE TO CLEAN YAMUNA RIVEROn the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary, Honourable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi has initiated ‘Swachh Bharat Campaign’. An important part of this endeavour is ‘Clean Yamuna Campaign’ and the Prime Minister has called upon every citizen of the country, specially the student community, for their whole hearted support. While leading a non-violent movement for India’s independence from the British in 1947, ‘Father of the Nation’ spoke about the need to improve hygiene and cleanliness in the country. Today the whole country salutes his commendable effort in prioritizing the concept of cleanliness. In order to pay real tribute to the legendary pioneer’s dream of Clean India, SD PUBLIC SCHOOL ,Pitampura joined hands with Indraprastha School Sahodaya and Delhi Sahodaya Schools and felt privileged to conduct a cleanliness campaign, ‘Swachh Yamuna Campaign’ at Sonia Vihar Ghat Delhi, on 1st October 2019 as this phenomenal task to clean Yamuna shall develop a better appreciation of Gandhi Ji and his ideals in the hearts and minds of the people by joining hands in carrying forward the rich legacy of togetherness Around 1300 students from 40 schools participated in this massive cleanliness drive.This occasion was graced by Shri Manoj Tiwari, honorable member of parliament as Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour was commissioner MCD. The Chief Guest motivated everybody with his words Little hands cleaned the river banks with great enthusiasm and care which proves that our nation will be in right hands in future too. 30 students and 5 teachers along with our Principal ma’am rendered their selfless service to the nation’s Save River Project. |
VISHVA PARYAVARAN DIWAS 2019 ( World Environment Day)विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस सहभागिता : शिक्षा संस्कृति उत्थान न्यास, दक्षिणा फाउंडेशन सनातन धर्म पब्लिक स्कूल पीतमपुरा के द्वारा शिक्षा संस्कृति उत्थान न्यास तथा दक्षिणा फाउंडेशन के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में 6 जून 2019 को कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें लगभग 50 पर्यावरण प्रेमी उपस्थित हुए कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता विद्यालय की प्रधानाचार्या श्रीमती अनीता शर्मा के द्वारा की गई तथा मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में मा. अतुल कोठारी जी उपस्थित रहे। कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ विद्यालय की प्रधानाचार्या तथा अतिथियों के करकमलों द्वारा वृक्षराज (पादप) को जल अर्पित करके व पादप स्तुति के द्वारा नमन करते हुए किया गया। तत्पश्चात प्रधानाचार्य के द्वारा पादप पात्र भेंट करते हुए अतिथियों का स्वागत किया गया। स्तुति पूर्वक वृक्ष को जल अर्पित करना सभी के लिए एक अविस्मरणीय अनुभव रहा और जब प्रधानाचार्य जी से प्रश्न किया कि ऐसी प्रेरणा आपको कहां से मिली तो उन्होंने बहुत ही सहजता से उत्तर दिया- मेरे विद्यालय के बच्चों से। इसके बाद सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता व पर्यावरण प्रेमी श्री राकेश शर्मा ने पर्यावरण संरक्षण से संबंधित अपने विचारों से अवगत कराते हुए उन्होंने बताया कि हमारा शरीर पांच तत्वों से मिलकर बना है- पृथ्वी, आकाश, वायु, अग्नि और जल। इन पांच तत्वों के संरक्षण और महत्व को ध्यान में रखते हुए ही हमारे मनीषियों ने 'भगवान' शब्द का विश्लेषण कुछ इस प्रकार किया है- भ-भूमि, ग-गगन, व-वायु, अ-अग्नि, न-नीर। |
FOOD TRAILHealthy Food choices will make planet Earth a better place in future.On this theme children indulged in an activity of preparing Healthy Food and Food Trail with great interest.Preparing and presenting a healthy version of any street food was really challenging.Some members of the team trailed the journey of the chosen street food from its origin till now and noted the changes it went through in its journey. |
AWARD OF EXCELLENCE 2019It’s a matter of great pride that our school has received “Award of Excellence” for the efforts in knowing and preserving Biosphere and understanding science now and then – a year long project catalysed and supported by the department of science and technology, Government of India and organised by Millennium India Education Foundation. It was a proud moment when our school’s name was announced in top twenty schools among ninety one schools that participated in this project |
Visit to TERI- Institute of advance studiesEco club members visited TERI on invitation and attended climate meet 2019, and participated in climate Jambori on 23rd April,2019. Vice chancellor of TERI university Mrs Leena Srivastav addressed the students and motivated them to be friend of earth.. .....made them realize their duties towards mother earth and what is expected from the present generation. |
Earth Day Celebration 2019Earth Day was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm .Many eminent guests and speakers were invited to grace the occasion.They enlightened us with their knowledge and experience . Mini exhibition was also organised for eco-friendly products which was highly appreciated. The School celebrated Earth Day with students ,teachers and guests.Children initiated this program by planting saplings in the school campus which is the ritual followed every year. An inter school poster making and PPTt making competition on the topics related to Environment was organised for students.The Principal of our school Mrs.Anita Sharma presented paper on Pollution-Its effect on Living and Non-living |
Waste management workshop by MCD OfficialsStudents attended very informative workshop conducted by Municipal Corporation of Delhi.They discussed about low waste generation and segregation of various kind of wastes for easy and systematic disposal. children got aware about the use of different coloured dustbins namely Green, Blue and Black. |
Recycling plasticAs it was really difficult to wipe out plastic from our life completely all of the sudden.....Children took initiative to re-utilize the plastic items which are no longer in use... a bit differently and with some innovation.Beautiful lamps,coasters,pen and spoon stands and many decorative pieces were created from waste plastics. Entire fortnight was spent on various activities related to this theme. |
Ban plastic from daily lifePlastic Movement gained momentum and Eco Club students staged rallies and Talks to spread awareness among the students and staff members about the banning the use of plastic from daily life. Children discussed about the harm caused by single use of plastic and how it is ruining the marine life. Weekly demonstration were held to emphasize this point in everyones mind. |
Green Independence DaySchool celebrated Independence day on 14.08.18 and the theme for the celebration was Plastic free Life... with great zeal and enthusiasm. Children presented a skit with beautiful message of recycling and reusing plastic.It was a proud moment for us as the chief scientific officer from the ministry of Environment Dr. B C Sabata accepted our humble invitation to be the Chief Guest of the function. |
Solar PanelsOur School took a giant step in the direction of energy conservation by installing solar panels on a large scale and became self sufficient by producing electricity in huge amount.It was matter of pride as the functioning of this system was inaugurated by Dr.B C Sabata on the Independence day itself. |
underground water tankUNDERGROUND WATER TANK Under ground water tank has been constructed to store drinking water supplied by Delhi Jal Board. This water later on moves to the overhead tanks for supplying in the whole School .Water is not directly sent to the overhead tank to allow heavy matter such as soil and sand to settle down and clean water is supplied there are three such tanks of capacity of 6000 liters each. |
rainwater harvesting pitRAIN WATER HARVESTING PITS Our School always stays ahead in all conservation practices .We save rain water for future use. Two large water tanks have been constructed in the school premises of capacity 1636.78 cubic feet and 1640 cubic feet which collects the run off during rain and prevents it from going into drains. Also it is great for educating children about the benefits of conservation of our natural resources. This system encourage an environmentally responsible attitude in the next generation. |
Plantation DrivePlantation Drive was carried out in the school premise on 23rd April 2018 by the students of eco-club. Saplings of many varieties of air purifying plants were planted in pots and garden beds to improvise the quality of air within the school campus. |
Earth Day 2018Special Assembly was conducted on 21st April 2018 to celebrate ‘Earth Day’ by the green soldiers of Eco club. This year’s theme was to Reduce Plastic Pollution. Informative speeches were given, eye opening poems were presented and thought provoking documentary was shown to the students. Children pledged to use paper bags and avoid plastic bags |
Gyanotsav 2018‘TARU MITRA’ Eco Club of our school participated in “GYANOTSAV” three-day fest from 6th to 8th April 2018 at Gandhi Darshan Smriti, Rajghat with many schools and colleges across India to show case the innovations and experimentations done by them in the field of Education. Our efforts were highly appreciated. This prestigious fest was inaugurated by Honorable RSS Chief Sri Mohan Bhagwat. |
Thanks Giving DayThanks Giving Day Members of Eco-club celebrated Thanks Giving Day on the last working day of the year 2017 to humbly acknowledge the efforts of the school’s supporting staff who work continuously for the smooth functioning of school. Children offered heart felt thanks to them and affectionately gifted fruit baskets along with hand made thank you cards |
Karo SambhavKaro Sambhav Eco –Brigade took initiative to spread awareness about the importance of recycling E-Waste among every student of the school. Children participated whole heartedly in this movement and brought non-functional mobile phones, CDs, keypads, mouse etc from home to be send to the recycler as a first step towards ‘Karo Sambhav’ |
Skill SharingMembers of Eco-Club believe in sharing their skills and knowledge with others to motivate them to be self-sufficient and eco friendly. With this belief, green brigade took initiative to train the children of Navjyoti Foundation-NGO and shared the process of ‘Composting’ |
CELEBRATING EARTH DAY FOR MORNING ASSEMBLYOn 21st June 2017, Earth Day was celebrated along with World Yoga Day in the School with great enthusiasm. It started with a Prayer Service when students prayed to Lord Ganesha for being the guiding angle to bless us to be an environmentally conscious Global Citizen. Parents were also invited and participated in this Earth Day function.Students, Parents and all the Staff members look pledge to be a true friend of Earth and their environment for their life, water & electricity conservation will be a priority for all and plant minimum 25-30 trees in our lifetime |
CELEBRATING EARTH DAY TO MAKE OUR PLANET GREEN (2017)‘TARU MITRA’ Eco Club of our school took responsibility of greening the school premise and its surrounding area. To fulfill this objective, members of this club along with their club in charges coordinators and honourable Principal Ma’am took initiative to plant some 50 Ashok Trees on Earth Day which was accomplished efficiently with full cooperation. |
SWACHH PARYAVARAN RALLYA rally was organised by PHD Chambers on 19th of February 2017 for spreading awareness about clean and green environment at RAJ PATH. The green soldiers of our school participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. |