English & French Activity

English & French Activity

Media News

Rabindranath Tagore's birth Anniversary

A podcast by Manan Wadhwa and Bhumika Sharma of XII B2 to commemorate Rabindranath Tagore's birth Anniversary .

Art-integrated Learning Activity

Class IX engaged in a dynamic art-integrated learning activity, crafting graphic organizers linked to the chapter 'Reach for the Top.' This hands-on approach not only unfolded their creativity but also fostered better understanding through fun learning experiences.

Shakespeare Day

Shakespeare Day was celebrated in April to pay tribute to the great playwright on his birth anniversary that falls on 23April.Students from class VII to XII participated in listening activity,poster making, writing famous soliloquies and life sketch A special assembly by the students of class VIII C on William Shakespeare's play 'Merchant of Venice' was conducted to mark the day.

Story Telling competition

Story Telling competition was held in the month of February 2023 where students of class III to XII participated in it with great zeal and zest.

Multilinguistic Activity

English Department conducted few activities for students from classes 6 to 12 to translate stories in their native language and dialects to create love for languages and a sense of national identity.

Essay Writing Competition - G20

An Essay Writing Competition was organized for Classes XI and XII on 18 January 2023 to honor the Indian Presidency over G-20 Summit. The students participated enthusiastically and presented their perspectives on the growing concern towards environment. Their opinions on Youth Priorities and 'India as a Growing International Power' were innovative and inspiring. The activity imbibed creative learning skills among students motivating students to be actively engaged with international news and how it impacts our country's journey ahead.

Slogan Writing Activity Class IX

All students of class IX participated in slogan writing activity to promote healthy lifestyle. They came up with beautiful ideas and wrote slogans creatively.

VALUE TALK: Class X Activity

The students of Class X enthusiastically participated in the activity Value Talk. They spoke on values and virtues of their choice and wonderfully presented them giving examples from real life.

Graphic Organiser: Class IX Activity

As a part of Art Integrated Learning initiated by NCERT, students of class IX made beautiful graphic organizers on their course poem 'The Rain On The Roof'. The activity enabled them to understand the poem better and gave wings to their imagination as well.

Reading Week (From 8 to 14 September, 2020)

English department of the school, organized various activities such as story narration , discussion on authors , character analysis ,critical appraisal of literary works etc to celebrate virtual reading week. Students took keen interest and displayed immense enthusiasm for the activities.

READ FOR GOOD LIFE (Reading activity)

Reading Activity was organised by English Department in the month of July to promote reading habit in the students. Various story telling and poetry recitation sessions were held to make reading and recitation a pleasure for students. This activity was held to mark 19th June as the Day of Reading in the memory of Late P.N.Panicker, father of the Library.

Innovative Idea Exchange Programme with Malaysian Delegates

Malaysian Educationists visited S.D Public School , Pitampura on 4th February 2019. Thirty delegates from renowned educational institutes of Kedah, North Malaysia graced the school. The objective behind the educational tour was to exchange 21st century learning skills and innovative practices between the two countries. A book fair organized by the school was inaugurated by Mr Malek Hussan, group leader of Malaysian educational tour. Its aim was to lay emphasis on the importance of reading books to impart rich life experiences to students. Students actively participated in presenting their French models and posters, they also displayed book covers , brochures and biographies of renowned authors in English.

An activity on French culture and civilization

Students learning French language of classes IXth and Xth actively participated in an activity based on culture and civilization of France. The students got an opportunity to showcase their talent by making various models and posters on french monuments and museums. Their presentation was given in french language for which they prepared themselves after a lot of hard work. The best students were appreciated and awarded by the french teacher of the school.


“Put on an act” on ‘My Favourite Animal’ was conducted with the students of class-I on 5.11.18. Children got dressed up like their favourite animal and wore animal’s mask and spoke few sentences on their favourite animal and also gave an introduction. This activity helped to inculcate confidence, increase knowledge and improve oratory skills among students. They were excited to share their descriptive narration and waited eagerly for their turn to act. Thus, this event helped our tiny tots to build their social, emotional and language skills.


A “Show and Tell” activity was organised in class 1st on 29th August 2018, on the topic “My Favourite Cartoon”. Students were asked to bring their favourite cartoon in variou forms like picture, soft toy, mask or puppet etc. Students learned 4-5 lines on their favourite cartoon and presented enthusiastically. This activity was done to enhance confidence among students. Students were quite excited about this activity and made it a colourful affair by using different props and used them in an innovative way. This activity had a great impact on the young minds and helped them in building their confidence for speaking.


French week was celebrated from August 8th – 11th in the school where the students learning French language actively participated with lots of zeal and enthusiasm. Various activities related to “Indo-French Heritage” and culture and civilization like role-play, collage making, newspaper making and video presentation were conducted during the week. An educational trip to Alliance Française de Delhi, an institute under French embassy, was also organized, where students watched a French movie ‘Les choristes’ and visited the library. The trip enhanced the students’ knowledge about French culture and proved to be a wonderful opportunity to portray their skills and creativity.

Writing skills

A writing activity was done on 19th January by students of III-B. The students had presented articles related to winter and spring season and discussed about them in the class which was later converted into a paragraph writing activity on seasons .

Poem recitation

A poem recitation was done by the students of class III-B using creatively made properties related to their poems, which the students really enjoyed.


A flag making activity was conducted in the school on 24th November 2017 which helped in developing feeling of oneness in students of classes I and II. Thus preparing them for becoming the global citizens of the world. This activity not only helped them in learning about different countries but also respecting the culture and tradition of other countries.

Story enactment of class II

The students of class II actively participated in the story enactment-‘The Gingerbread Man’ during the English Week. The different roles were assigned to the students in order to help them come closer to the context of the story. Moreover, the props used in the enactment helped the story to come out well.

Poetry recitation

A poem recitation based on traffic signals was conducted in class I-A. Along with the recitation of the poem, students were also explained the importance of traffic signals. Very attractive and colorful traffic signals were made by the students.